Army Painter Paint : 18mldropper bottle for $3.50.Scale 75Paint: 17mldropper bottle for (about) $4.49.Turbodork (Speciality Metal Colorshift Paint) 20mldropper bottle for $6.30.Pro Acryl: 22ml dropper bottle for $4.65 (Note: they raised the price 25 cents, but also give 5ml more per pot now).Vallejo Paint: 17mldropper bottle for $3.99 ($4.99 for Xpress Paint).Citadel Air (new, bigger pot) 24 ml pot for $7.80.Citadel Contrast Paint: 18ml pot for $7.80.Here at Spikey Bits, we are never going to give you advice on something we have not used and tested ourselves. Please keep in mind these are only the paints we have experience working with and by no means a complete list of all the acrylics out there. If you thought GW paint was expensive or just don’t like how their paints are bottled, there are still some great brands like Army Painter, Scale75, Turbodork, Pro Acryl, Reaper Paint, and Vallejo, to name a few.